August 7, 2017

Tips For Keeping The Roaches Away

Here at Northeastern Exterminating we feel it is very important for our customers to understand what they can do at home to keep pests like roaches at bay. Our opinion is that giving the customer accurate and relevant information about pests and pest related problems are the number one way to work together to get rid of the infestations. Many companies will just treat an account and leave with no post or prior work to be done by the customers. Although this seems beneficial because the customer just has to sit back and reap the benefit, its un-realistic. Always do your research […]
August 7, 2017

Why The Restaurant Letter Grading system is an “A” For Pest Control Companies in NYC

Since the Bloomberg administration has established a letter grading system for restaurants, they are all reaching for the “A” ‘s. Prior to this system being put into place it was very difficult for the consumers to understand what was going on behind the kitchen. Other then calling the Dept. of Health to find out what violations your favorite restaurant has, now you can just check out the letter grade or visit the NYC website here. This grading system has unintentionally made the restaurant pest control and consulting businesses much more busy. Many patrons only will want to eat at eateries that […]
August 7, 2017

Hiring a Bed Bug Extermination Company

When customers call to hire us for bed bug treatments, they ask many similar questions. Today, for the clients sake, we have complied a few things that we think are important to keep in mind when in the market for bed bug extermination. There is so much information out there on the internet that we want to try to simplify things for you. Remember, you are the customer. Not only are you always right, but you can take your business else where. If you dont like what you see or hear, take your hard earned money to a more reputable […]
August 7, 2017

Bed Bug Encasements : Fact and Fiction

The sale of bed bug encasements has become a multi-million dollar industry within the last 10 years. Once the bed bug epidemic hit the United States, everyone tried to jump on the bed bug band wagon. Companies started to open up to produce natural bed bug sprays, traps, monitors and more importantly mattress encasements. In todays blog we will focus primarily on the fact and fiction of “bed bug proof” mattress encasements. Many exterminators and business owners will push people to purchase mattress covers that claim to bed  ” bed bug proof “. Here at Northeastern Exterminating we are always honest […]
August 7, 2017

How to approach a bed bug infestation

We notice that in our area of Brooklyn, New York that many companies approach bed bug infestations in a different way. There a variety of ways to attack a bed bug problem and many of them are correct. Pest control companies use what works best for them. Some things you may want to consider when hiring a bed bug extermination company, other than their approach, are their credentials and experience. In todays blog we will touch a bit on our approach. We wont give away all our secrets, but just touch on why we do, what we do. Many customers […]
August 7, 2017

A moment of thanks – goodbye 2013

Here at Northeastern Exterminating we know how blessed we are to have the success over the past 20 years. Every year we like to take a minute to give a nice thank you to all of those we appreciate. In today’s blog post we would like to thank all of  the people who make this success possible. The year is rolling to its end. Through the good times and the bad we have always had these wonderful friends. Although we are family owned and operated we would not be able to do it without the following people. Employees. Without our […]
August 7, 2017

Winter Pests

When the winter weather arrives, many pest control companies in NYC may begin to notice a change of business. Every change of season, changes the pest problems. For example, in the summer months we notice many calls about Bed Bugs, American roaches, and German roaches. For biological reasons, many of these pests will reduce in number in the colder. Now that December is here we will list some pests we notice tend to show up in the colder months. The first problem in the winter months are mice. All exterminators wait for mice season. Its the first few weeks of […]
August 7, 2017

Insects in Electronics

When homeowners mention having bugs inside their electronics, people often think they talking about a virus or a manufacturers defect. When we talk about bugs in electronics, we mean insects. Believe it or not insects such as bed bugs, roaches, ants and other pests love electronics. As a pest control company we have witnessed many cases where infestations have spread to computer towers, cable boxes and televisions. There are many problems associated with these types of infestations. Pests love crawling inside electronics, espically during winter months or when the device is close to a food source. Pests,like roaches, love televisions […]
August 7, 2017

Pest Proofing Your Home For The Winter

As the colder months roll in, many outdoor pests will seek refuge indoors. Due to the instinct of survival pests like mice, squirrels, cockroaches and mosquitoes will take advantage of any openings into your home. Spaces in doors, cracks in windows, holes in your roof and holes in screens are just a few way pests will try to escape the chilly weather. In today’s blog post we will provide you with some tips to winterize your home from pests. Using wire mesh, or sheet metal seal all utility pipe entries into your basement. Many homes will have gas, electric, water […]
August 7, 2017

Finding The Right Pest Control Pro

If you search ” exterminator ” in your google search bar right now, you will receive hundreds of local pest control companies in your area. What makes one different from another? Many think that all exterminators are the same and this could not be furthest from the truth. There are many overlooked qualities you want to look for when hiring a pest control professional to eliminate the pest problem in your home or business. In today’s blog post we will make this search a bit easier for you and list some qualities you should be seeking for. Experience. When looking […]
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