August 7, 2017

Why “Do it yourself” Pest Control isnt a great idea.

As spring begins and the temperatures begin to rise the insect population starts to emerge from the damp soil or from our floor boards. It may be bed bugs, mice, ants, roaches, termites or even rats. Many homeowners believe they have what it takes to get rid of their pest problems all by themselves. These days with the economy the way it is homeowners are trying to save where they can. Extreme couponing, Squeezing the last drop of tooth paste out of the tube, But is pest control somewhere that you want to be frugal?You may be saying to your […]
August 7, 2017

Resources for Pest Control Customers

Here at Northeastern Exterminating we understand that our duty is beyond being a profitable business. We enjoy educating the public on resources they may not be aware of when they are dealing with a pest control problem. We have compiled a few websites that are helpful to customers when needing advice or direction during a confusing time of pest infestations. This is a great forum for everything bed bugs. It is viewed by experts as well as the general public. If you have a bed bug related question, or need free insect identification this is the place for you. […]
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