August 7, 2017

Why you should get a job in pest control

There are so many elements of pest control that truly make it a great career to have. It is a profession that is never ‘black and white’. One day may be a bit dull, while the next could bring interesting surprises and good memories. Some look at it as a dirty job, which at times it could be. But more importantly pest control is about the love for helping people. We will admit, we love to eliminate rats, capture squirrels and kill roaches. The more important aspect is having a love and respect for what you do and solving peoples […]
August 7, 2017

Importance of An Annual Pest Inspection

As a homeowner it’s very important that you have a pest control company that can perform an annual pest inspection. It is everyone’s worst night mare to have to spend time and money on unexpected home repair projects.  The introduction of pests into your home could cause many types of structural damage as well as raise some health concerns. Rather than waiting for an evident problem to be present, a pest inspection could save you anywhere from hundred of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. In today’s blog post we will list some inspections you should ask your pest […]
August 7, 2017

What NOT To Do When You Have Bed Bugs

When a customer calls us frantic because they just found bed bugs, we try to steer them in the right direction. One of the first things that homeowners will do when realizing they may have bed bugs is they turn to google. After searching a few results, they will be pulled into a hundred different directions. Some websites will push homemade sprays while others will sell bed bug traps and monitors. Always consult with an exterminator before you do anything because you can actually make the problem worse and risk harming your family. Here are somethings we recommend NOT to do. Do not throw […]
August 7, 2017

I Found A Bed Bug In My Bed..Now What?

In today’s blog post we want to instruct our customers on what we recommend they do when they find a bed bug at home. To your every day home owner this is one of the most stressful situations they may go through. Because of the horror stories they hear on the news and from friends, they are frightened. We want you to realize that you are not alone in this situation. On a daily basis we deal with many people who have bed bugs, and get them successfully exterminated. If you have bed bugs and follow these steps it can […]
August 7, 2017

Spring is here, Is Your Home Ready For The Pests?

It is officially Springtime in Brooklyn and around this time the pests will begin to rear their cute heads in large numbers. As a pest control company we always want to remind our current and future customers that they should begin to take the proper  steps to ensure a pest free spring season. To help you, in todays blog post we will suggest a few ideas to help you reduce the chances of pests in your home this season. Good sanitation habits. Leaving dishes in your sink, or uneaten food out on the counter is a big no no. Although this […]
August 7, 2017

Bed Bug Monitoring Program: 3 Easy tips

Frightened customers frequently question us about what they can do to prevent a bed bug infestation. Although there is no reasonable way to prevent them, there are wonderful ways they can be monitored to reduce the severity of infestation. When dealing with bed bugs, early detection is key to limiting the cost and stress of removing the infestation. There are tips that can be given to reduce the chance of bed bugs, but nothing is 100%. In today’s blog post we will explain what we recommend should be done during a professional bed bug monitoring program. Find out if your local pest […]
August 7, 2017

Honesty is always the best policy!

Due to recent news stories about dishonest Pest Control Companies we would like to try to clear the air a bit. Here at Northeastern Exterminating we truly believe that honesty is very much, the best policy. Our main goal of being in business is to solve our customers’ pest problems in the most profitable but fair way. There should be no excuse to do anything dishonest. As a business owner I understand that your home is your kingdom and there is no reason to do anything disrespectful or dishonest in someones home or place of business. Since we opened our […]
August 7, 2017

Difficulty of treating bed bugs in apartment buildings

When we are contracted to an apartment building to eradicate pests, location is a major factor. Many things must be considered when treating a home/apartment for a pest. A few of those factors would be the location of infestation, severity of infestation, and introduction of infestation to the environment. When treating for bed bugs in an apartment building, there can be more obstacles and concerns involved than your normal one family home and here are a few that we find very often in our day to day treatments. Building Management. Not to paint with a broad brush, but many landlords and […]
August 7, 2017

Pest Control and Hoarders

Very often  when treating an apartment for pests, we will run into the problems associated with a hoarder living in the building. To be honest, we could care less if tenants are clean or messy. The real problem is when the origin of an infestation is found to be in the most messy apartments. Having a few things out of place is a manageable problem.When a tenant is a bit messy, we try to educate them of a few IPM methods to help the problem get better. But when a customer or tenant is suffering from compulsive hoarding- it is a different story. […]
August 7, 2017

Pests In Pop Culture

Every so often in pop culture, insects and rodents that we perceive as pests are used in a positive light. Pests bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. What we all agree is that there is something mysterious about insects and rodents. Insects are often used as an attention getter for many movies, products and Artists. It is always appreciated when pests are brought up in pop culture. Society’s first reaction is to wince, but in todays blog post we hope we get you to realize that pests are used often in pop culture for […]
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