March 12, 2025

Rats Have Taken Over New York City: 5 Simple Steps Every Homeowner Can Take to Fight Back

New York City has always been a bustling metropolis, but in recent years, it’s earned a less flattering reputation: the rat capital of the world. From subway tunnels to backyards, rats have infiltrated every corner of the Big Apple, with their population booming thanks to abundant food sources, mild winters, and urban sprawl. For homeowners, this isn’t just a citywide problem—it’s a personal one. Rats aren’t content to stay in the streets; they’re sneaking into properties, gnawing through walls, contaminating food, and spreading disease. As professional exterminators, we’ve seen firsthand how relentless these rodents can be. But the good news? […]
March 11, 2024

The Personal Touch: 5 Reasons Why Choosing a Local Brooklyn Family-Run Pest Control Company is the Smart Choice

When it comes to NYC pest control, homeowners and businesses alike are faced with the decision of whether to hire a local family-run pest control company or opt for a larger corporate counterpart. While both options may promise effective pest management, there are unique advantages to choosing a local family-run business. In this blog post, we’ll explore five compelling reasons why the personal touch and community connection of a local family-run pest control company can make a significant difference in the quality of service you receive. Local brooklyn family-run pest control companies are deeply rooted in the communities they serve. […]
October 10, 2023

Bed Bugs In Paris

Paris, the city of love and lights, is facing a not-so-romantic invasion – bed bugs. These tiny pests have been causing sleepless nights and discomfort for residents and tourists alike. In this blog, we will explore the current infestation of bed bugs in Paris, France, and provide insights into how to deal with these unwelcome visitors. The Bed Bug Resurgence Bed bugs, scientifically known as Cimex lectularius, have been a global pest problem for centuries. However, over the past two decades, there has been a resurgence in bed bug infestations worldwide, and Paris is no exception. The reasons for this […]
September 25, 2023

NYC’s Innovative Trash Containerization Law: A Bold Step Towards Mitigating the Rat Issue

New York City is known for many things – its iconic skyline, diverse culture, and vibrant neighborhoods. Unfortunately, it has also been notorious for a less glamorous issue: rats. For years, these resilient rodents have thrived in the city’s bustling streets, finding sustenance in the mountains of uncontained trash bags that line its sidewalks. In response to this persistent problem, NYC has implemented a groundbreaking trash containerization law for commercial trash, aiming to curb the rat population and improve the overall cleanliness of the city. The Rat Problem in NYC Before delving into the new trash containerization law, it’s essential […]
September 24, 2023

Five Reasons Why It’s So Difficult to Exterminate Mice from Your NYC Apartment

Mice infestations in apartments can be a nightmare for residents. These small, resourceful rodents can quickly turn your cozy living space into their own playground, causing damage and spreading diseases. While exterminating mice may seem like a straightforward task, it’s often more challenging than you might think. In this blog post, we’ll explore five reasons why it’s so difficult to exterminate mice from your apartment and provide some tips on how to effectively deal with these unwelcome guests. Tips for Effective Mouse Extermination: Conclusion: Exterminating mice from your apartment can be a daunting task due to their rapid reproduction, nocturnal […]
March 8, 2023

Top 5 places cockroaches hide in your kitchen.

German cockroaches are known to be very adaptable insects. Rumor is that German cockroaches would be able to live through a nuclear war. As a company who treats german cockroaches in Brooklyn NYC we can assure you that these cockroaches are indestructible. Today we are going to list the top five places that we find cockroaches when we are servicing a home in Brooklyn NYC.
November 4, 2022

How to Get Rid of Dog Fleas on Your Bed?

Do you have dog fleas on your bed? As embarrassing as a yes answer may sound, it is true for pet owners. You might just be hosting thousands of fleas on your bed and in other areas of your home. 
June 7, 2022

Bed Bugs vs Flea Bites: How To Differentiate and Prevent Them

Bed Bugs vs Flea Bites: How To Differentiate and Prevent Them Bed bugs and fleas can live inside the home and feed on you, your family, and pets. At first glance, it is difficult to tell their bites apart as both are accompanied by itchiness and red swelling. When not properly identified, the problem cannot be treated, resulting in several diseases that can be passed from one person or animal to another. This is why it is important to be able to differentiate a bed bug bite from a flea bite, especially if you have children or pets living with […]
March 19, 2022

Dogs and Insects: What to Know and How to Protect from

Dogs and Insects: What to Know and How to Protect from Bites and Stings Is there a possibility that your dog may have been stung or bitten by an insect? Could it have all the tell-tale signs of this problem, or could there just be something else wrong? Are you interested in knowing how to treat insect bites on your dog at home and when to consult a veterinarian? You have come to the right place if any of the above describes you. Here, you will find out how to recognize an insect bite on your dog, what you should […]
November 13, 2021

Moving to Brooklyn Soon? Here’s Your Official Move In Checklist

Starting a life in Brooklyn is a huge milestone. This young, white-collar borough attracts many new people, new businesses and new opportunities on a regular basis. That’s why there’s so much to do that you might be feeling stressed out about how to get through the move without missing anything important. What can you do to ensure that you are as prepared as possible? You can create the ultimate checklist! Moving into a new place is always stressful, and organizational tools can help to get things in line. By having a checklist to handle the major details of the move, […]
June 23, 2021

7 Tips for Flea and Tick Prevention for Pets

Ticks and fleas are out for blood! These irritating parasites thrive in the summer months, and can live on your pets and can cause a range of skin diseases. At times, they even cause systemic illnesses by transmitting bacteria, protozoa, and worms to your cat or dog’s vital organs, leading to conditions that can be extremely risky to your furry family member. Fortunately, tick and flea-related issues can be remedied — and future outbreaks prevented — with several approaches that involve your home, yard, and pet. But first, it is crucial to understand how ticks and fleas make their way […]
May 13, 2021

Data: Where Do Insects Bug Americans the Most?

As if the COVID pandemic wasn’t enough, America might be in the middle of another epidemic – bed bugs – a pest that long has plagued many cities in the United States. But are bedbugs America’s biggest pest problem? What about ants and mosquitoes? How do termites and spiders compare? And good ol’ cockroaches, where does that leave them? What We Analyzed We scoured the web to find the most common insect-pests in the United States and used Google Trends to determine the most common pest in each state. Then, we mapped out how prevalent different bugs are across the […]
May 13, 2021

Check out our very own James Featured on BBC!

Read the article “I catch rats for a living and couldn’t be happier” here!
March 30, 2021

Three Reasons Pests Love NYC

When people think of NYC they think of a few things like Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, Times Square and Pizza Rat! No matter how much beauty and history is associated with NYC, unfortunately it is also synonymous for having a ton of pests (Mice, rats, roaches and bed bugs!). Didn’t you ever wonder why New York City just had so many dang pests? Theres a reasons that opening a pest control business is so lucrative in NYC.
February 23, 2021

How to get rid of small flies in my home.

Small flies can be a huge nusiance whether its at home or at a restaurant. Although a small fly problem can be seasonal, these problems can also be very persistent. Today we have laid out 4 areas to check in your home or restaurant to locate and eliminate your small fly problem. If you still can’t figure it out, feel free to send us a photo here and we may be able to help you identify the type of bug and provide a quick suggestion or solution. Northeastern Exterminating is a pest control company located in Brooklyn New York. Although […]
July 31, 2020

Where do bed bugs come from?

When we are on bed bug inspections and bed bug jobs the most common question we get is, “Where did these things originate from?”. Although we know bed bugs have evolved from bat bugs that were once found in caves we are not sure about how this change has happened. In caveman/cavewoman times, bat bugs lived in caves and fed on small birds and mainly bats. When cave people began living in caves its quite possible that bed bugs have adapted behaviors to start to feed on humans also. Humans are a bigger target, dont fly and can provide a […]
August 4, 2017

Q & A With Tuck Sleep

For those of you unfamiliar with the newly launched Tuck sleep (formally, it’s a huge sleep portal dedicated the advancement of better sleep that also features a unique take on sleep product information. Kayla Johnson recently got in contact with us about a larger guide to dealing with bed bugs so we thought sharing with a Q&A would be ideal. Check it out below! James :Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us today, Kayla. Please introduce yourself. Kayla : My pleasure, James! My name is Kayla Johnson and I’m a community relations specialist at Tuck, […]
August 4, 2017

What To Expect When Hiring An Exterminator

Its 11:00pm and you’ve gotten out of bed to grab a glass of water when you see something flash out of the corner of your eye. It was a mouse! You scream and jump on the table, grab your phone and do a yelp search for local exterminators. You find someone reputable and they tell you they will be out first thing in the morning. You grab a bat and run back into bed slowly waiting for the sun to rise so the pied piper can come and remove the mouse. Heres what the PCO should be doing and what you […]
August 4, 2017

The 1st Annual Pestocratic National Convention

2016 is a very serious year in pest politics as nature is as its tipping point. As many know the Cimexacrats have been trying to take over the country out of the hands of the long reigning Blattariacrats. The Blattariacrats have been known to been in power since even when the dinosaurs were around. But, since the big Bed Bug Lives Matter movement has taken over in 2010 the bed bugs have been taking over big cities all over this country. Today we will be sharing views of both sides of the parities in this years 1st convention and will […]
August 4, 2017

Talking To An Old Friend, Mickey Ferrell Jr.

There is nothing more to say about Mickey Ferrell Jr. other than he is a true go getter. You drop this guy Mickey in the middle of the ocean with just a life jacket and he will find a way to build a fire. Mickey grew up in the pest control industry and now has happily made a career in real estate. In todays blog we interviewed Mickey and asked him how he made his jump from pest control into the great world of real estate. Mickey speaks about the similarities in both industries and how pest control taught him a […]
August 4, 2017

5 Tips To Keep Ants Out Of Your Kitchen

Everyone loves spring time– until it comes to ants infesting your kitchen. Most homeowners have a some traumatic ant infestation memories. Like the time you were having a birthday party for your kids and found ants all over the cake! Then all the kids screamed and yelled “Ew, Ants!”.  How embarrassing that was.  Other then having a regular visit from a pest control company this spring, there are things you can do in your home to keep the ants away. Although the best way is to guarantee no ants is to hire a pro, today we will give you some […]
August 4, 2017

What Your Fly Infestation May Be Telling You

When homeowners witness flies buzzing around their home their first instinct is to reach for the electric fly swatter or the can o’ bug spray. The reality is that these flies can be House Flies or “filth flies” and are always an indication of a larger problem within the home. Although they are very unsightly nuisance pests they also spread all different types of yuckie bacteria. Hiring a pest management professional is a very good idea when trying to treat your fly problem as the PMP will investigate further as to what the larger problem in your residence may be. […]
August 4, 2017

April Is National Pest Management Month

The month of April is here and not only does it deliver us springtime beauty, the flowers blooming and creepy crawlies but it also delivers us national pest management month! National pest management month is a time to appreciate pest management as an entire industry. There are so many problems that pest management has provided solutions for over many years and April is a good time to reflect on those benefits. When you see your local PCO give them a wave and a thanks for keeping this world a little bit safer by managing the pests that carry so many […]
August 4, 2017

Creating A Space To Manage Your Pest Control Business

We reached out to Patrick Baldwin of as his new app is spreading fire throughout social media. Before we tried it out our selves we decided to reach out to Patrick and we asked him if he could tell us a bit about the new app and how its a game changer. Since the market is cluttered with so many PCO software apps and programs we asked them to explain what they have going for them that will project them into the PC Industry. They replied — “Bob Howard and Patrick Baldwin, co-owners of, have used four different […]
August 4, 2017

Q&A with FMC’s Kevin Laycock

The job of working for a professional chemical company sure is a busy one and we always appreciate when someone from FMC reaches out and agrees to do an interview with us. Here, we’ve gotten into contact with FMC’s Kevin Laycock who has a family history of pest control ever since he could remember. Check out our short but sweet interview with Kevin and see what he’s got to say about Transport, Aresols and what its like working for FMC! James: We’ve been using Transport GHP and Transport Mikron for bed bugs. Any reason you think that product is working great for us? Kevin: That’s […]
August 4, 2017

5 Things You Shouldnt Say To A Pest Management Professional

Working in a service industry such as pest control, PCOs have interactions with all types of people through out the day. Other then exterminating pests and making peoples homes and businesses a safer place, PCOs also speak with people about their pest issues amongst other conversations. Sometimes people see pest control professionals as college drop outs or working a 2nd job. Today we’ve made a list of 4 Things you shouldn’t say to a pest control professional –Well thats at-least if you want a good job. “I went to college so I didn’t have to be an exterminator”. First of […]
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