August 7, 2017

The positives of having bed bugs

No matter who you speak to you hear about the horrors of bed bugs, but have you ever sat and thought maybe there may be some positives of having bed bugs? People who deal with bed bug infestations in their homes always make the problem sound very unpleasant an stressful. In todays blog post we want to be a little optimistic and fun so we will try to point out some positive outcomes that may stem from a bed bug infestation.  All of your clothes and linens will be squeaky clean. As a part of prep, many exterminators suggest that […]
August 7, 2017

Why you should be honest with your exterminator

When hiring an exterminator, clients do not understand the importance of being completely honest with us. The customers tend to stretch the truth in regards to the size, duration and type of infestation they are experiencing.  Some reasons they may lie about an infestation are out of embarrassment, or they are trying to get a price break. What the customer does not understand is that an experienced technician can figure all of these things out with a simple inspection.  Today we will list 3 ways that we can tell that your not being 100% truthful. Droppings. When pests exist in […]
August 7, 2017

Why is Pest Control so Highly Regulated?

From the outside looking in, many people don’t realize how highly regulated the pest control industry has become over the last 10 years. Everything from applying pesticides, label reading, continuing education, to disposing of pesticide containers and pesticide reporting are just few things that we are under the microscope for on a daily basis. All of these regulations have a purpose, and benefit the general public as well as the environment.  In today’s blog post we will speak about the reasoning behind many of the basic regulations. Label Reading. Pesticide labels are a must read for every single applicatorprior to […]
August 7, 2017

Pest Proofing Your Home For The Winter

As the colder months roll in, many outdoor pests will seek refuge indoors. Due to the instinct of survival pests like mice, squirrels, cockroaches and mosquitoes will take advantage of any openings into your home. Spaces in doors, cracks in windows, holes in your roof and holes in screens are just a few way pests will try to escape the chilly weather. In today’s blog post we will provide you with some tips to winterize your home from pests. Using wire mesh, or sheet metal seal all utility pipe entries into your basement. Many homes will have gas, electric, water […]
August 7, 2017

Insects in Electronics

When homeowners mention having bugs inside their electronics, people often think they talking about a virus or a manufacturers defect. When we talk about bugs in electronics, we mean insects. Believe it or not insects such as bed bugs, roaches, ants and other pests love electronics. As a pest control company we have witnessed many cases where infestations have spread to computer towers, cable boxes and televisions. There are many problems associated with these types of infestations. Pests love crawling inside electronics, espically during winter months or when the device is close to a food source. Pests,like roaches, love televisions […]
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