November 4, 2022

How to Get Rid of Dog Fleas on Your Bed?

Do you have dog fleas on your bed? As embarrassing as a yes answer may sound, it is true for pet owners. You might just be hosting thousands of fleas on your bed and in other areas of your home. 
June 7, 2022

Bed Bugs vs Flea Bites: How To Differentiate and Prevent Them

Bed Bugs vs Flea Bites: How To Differentiate and Prevent Them Bed bugs and fleas can live inside the home and feed on you, your family, and pets. At first glance, it is difficult to tell their bites apart as both are accompanied by itchiness and red swelling. When not properly identified, the problem cannot be treated, resulting in several diseases that can be passed from one person or animal to another. This is why it is important to be able to differentiate a bed bug bite from a flea bite, especially if you have children or pets living with […]
February 23, 2021

How to get rid of small flies in my home.

Small flies can be a huge nusiance whether its at home or at a restaurant. Although a small fly problem can be seasonal, these problems can also be very persistent. Today we have laid out 4 areas to check in your home or restaurant to locate and eliminate your small fly problem. If you still can’t figure it out, feel free to send us a photo here and we may be able to help you identify the type of bug and provide a quick suggestion or solution. Northeastern Exterminating is a pest control company located in Brooklyn New York. Although […]
September 9, 2017

Keeping The Rodents Out With Xcluder!

  Since fall is coming and rodent season is right around the corner, we thought we would reach out to the Xcluder company with some questions about their rodent exclusionary products. Pest professionals all across the country trust and use Xcluder for most of their rodent exclusion work. Global Material Technologies was founded in 1896 as the American Steel Wool Manufacturing Company. To this day GMT still specializes in the manufacture, processing and finishing of metal wools and fibers though the number and types of products we produce has expanded. One example of that expansion is the Xcluder line of rodent […]
August 7, 2017

Interviewing and inspections are important

Many pest control companies will get a phone call from a customer and not think to ask any further questions about the customers infestation. Here at Northeastern Exterminating when we are  on the phone with the customers we try to get a feeling of where the bed bug infestation may have started. The customers number one question is ” How did i get these bed bugs “. If we were able to answer that question, lets face it, we would be billionaires. Unfortunately we are not bed bug whisperers, just exterminators. We can work with you on where the most […]
August 7, 2017

Spring is here — Which means termite season

Termites are one of the most structurally damaging pests in the world. Annually termites have been known to cause up to 2 billion dollars in damage. Termites are eusocial insects. Eusocial basically means that termites are considered within the highest measure of sociality in insects. Termites are apart of different worker or labor castes. They live in colonies within the soil and structural beams in peoples homes. Found within a typical termite colony you would find the nymphs ( babies ), Workers, Soldiers, and a few egg laying queen termites. The job of the worker termites are just that. The […]
August 7, 2017

If the materials are safe, why is my pest control operator wearing a mask?

Day in and day out, when pest control operators are treating a home for pests customers will ask them “If the materials your using are safe, then why do you have to wear a mask?” This is a great question! Many people associate the wearing of a dusk mask or respirator with immediate danger. What they don’t understand is that as technicians and applicators we must protect our selves from daily conditions conducive to increased chance for respiratory infesfections. According to many product labels, any applicator who is applying any type of pesticide or insecticide must be wearing a respirator. […]
August 7, 2017

Pest Control resources for homeowners

When a homeowner/tenant in NYC witnesses a roach crawling in their home they are not sure what to do next. Frantic, they usually either spray a can of raid or hire an exterminator without much research done.  Here at Northeastern Exterminating we like to inform the public of information that they can benefit from when it comes to pest control. As we always say, an educated customer is a smart customer. We have listed a few websites that you may find valuable when living in New York City. If there is one great quality about, they are very proactive about […]
August 7, 2017

Why is pest control so expensive?

When we are out in the field giving a pest control quote, or receiving payment after we have performed pest control the customers sometimes ask ” Hey why is this so expensive?”. Here at Northeastern Exterminating we try to address real-life questions and enter it into our blog. We hope customers find this to be informative, and also hope that PCO’s find this to be accurate and helpful to them. There are a few things that we will list below that we must take into account when reaching our price after performing pest control. Licensing and insurance. To run a pest […]
August 7, 2017

Keeping the pests away: July 4th Edition

Okay, so your preparing the perfect 4th of July barbecue. While your in your yard you see mosquitos, ants, and spiders. No one wants all of their guests being bit up by mosquitos, or even worse ants crawling all over the punch bowl and chips. Here at Northeastern Exterminating we realize that sometimes its short notice to hire a pest control professional. We’ve complied a few tips for the common homeowner to keep the pests away, just for a few days. In the long run you will always need a professional pest management program. Mosquitos are one of the most […]
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