August 4, 2017

5 Tips To Keep Ants Out Of Your Kitchen

Everyone loves spring time– until it comes to ants infesting your kitchen. Most homeowners have a some traumatic ant infestation memories. Like the time you were having a birthday party for your kids and found ants all over the cake! Then all the kids screamed and yelled “Ew, Ants!”.  How embarrassing that was.  Other then having a regular visit from a pest control company this spring, there are things you can do in your home to keep the ants away. Although the best way is to guarantee no ants is to hire a pro, today we will give you some […]
August 4, 2017

Talking To An Old Friend, Mickey Ferrell Jr.

There is nothing more to say about Mickey Ferrell Jr. other than he is a true go getter. You drop this guy Mickey in the middle of the ocean with just a life jacket and he will find a way to build a fire. Mickey grew up in the pest control industry and now has happily made a career in real estate. In todays blog we interviewed Mickey and asked him how he made his jump from pest control into the great world of real estate. Mickey speaks about the similarities in both industries and how pest control taught him a […]
August 4, 2017

The 1st Annual Pestocratic National Convention

2016 is a very serious year in pest politics as nature is as its tipping point. As many know the Cimexacrats have been trying to take over the country out of the hands of the long reigning Blattariacrats. The Blattariacrats have been known to been in power since even when the dinosaurs were around. But, since the big Bed Bug Lives Matter movement has taken over in 2010 the bed bugs have been taking over big cities all over this country. Today we will be sharing views of both sides of the parities in this years 1st convention and will […]
August 4, 2017

What To Expect When Hiring An Exterminator

Its 11:00pm and you’ve gotten out of bed to grab a glass of water when you see something flash out of the corner of your eye. It was a mouse! You scream and jump on the table, grab your phone and do a yelp search for local exterminators. You find someone reputable and they tell you they will be out first thing in the morning. You grab a bat and run back into bed slowly waiting for the sun to rise so the pied piper can come and remove the mouse. Heres what the PCO should be doing and what you […]
August 4, 2017

Q & A With Tuck Sleep

For those of you unfamiliar with the newly launched Tuck sleep (formally, it’s a huge sleep portal dedicated the advancement of better sleep that also features a unique take on sleep product information. Kayla Johnson recently got in contact with us about a larger guide to dealing with bed bugs so we thought sharing with a Q&A would be ideal. Check it out below! James :Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us today, Kayla. Please introduce yourself. Kayla : My pleasure, James! My name is Kayla Johnson and I’m a community relations specialist at Tuck, […]
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