Small Business, Big City!

Operating a small business in a big city sure has it perks as well as its downfalls. On one hand you can use the density of population on your side, but it will try its best to work against you in the form of traffic and congestion. With the negative aside, there really are some great aspects of running a small pest control business in such a big city. Nothing beats hustling and making money in one of the biggest cities in the world! You just can’t beat it.

The Diversity will keep you on your toes. NYC is not a city of a few familiar faces. It is actually one of the most diverse cities in the world. It is great to have such a diverse customer base. Day in and day out as you service a different customer base you instantly begin to learn the norms and customs of their culture. You can learn new languages and the simple do’s and dont’s of those cultures. If your lucky these customers might even give you a cooking lesson. You can impress your wife by sudden having the ability to cook an indian dish. Diversity also allows for innovation and adaptation to these types of customers. If you know the customs of these customers you are able to target them better with marketing and advertising. My favorite part is getting the free exotic lunches.
With population density comes a great deal of competition. Although some would see Competition as a negative, it can be seen in an optimistic way. A true business person uses everything to their advantage, positive or negative. Networking with other business owners is the key to a successful business. Whether you it or not, its in your best interest to be best friends with your competition. Advice, tips, and secrets that the competition knows could benefit you tenfold. Even if your a long time business owner, there is always something new to learn. Instead of nodding your head at your fellow competition, pick their brain. Find out whats working and what isn’t working. Find out whats going on with their family and become their friends. Turning an enemy into a friend is a great benefit in the long run.Its always good to have many eyes looking out for you. Hey, they may even recommend you for a job they just can’t take on.
Many large cities have Tax breaks and Small business loans due to a larger tax revenue. Large cities often entice startup companies to open up in their city. Cities like NYC also have many chambers of commerces that offer advice and networking opportunities. Big cities are very friendly and helpful when it comes to opening a small or medium sized business. The reason they are so helpful is because the more successful you become, the more tax dollars they collect from each sale you make. One hand will always feed the other.
When your business expands you will need a growing workforce. A big city is a great place to pick your team. Bigger cities usually have great educational institutions and a greater pool of qualified applicants. When looking for an employee in NYC you can always find what your looking for. There are even some local programs that can send you a resumes of licensed local applicants that are ready to work so all you have to do is the research behind the individual.
Another benefit of the Population density is that you will notice that the business will be recommended more from past and current customers. In a bigger city due to the shear amount of people your bound to be referenced or brought up. Reputation is everything in a big city because one recommendation could turn into you selling a  whole building management company as an account. If you get in good with a thriving management company your looking at 15+ buildings that are now under your watchful eye. Always begin and end each stop with a smile because you never know who you’ve just serviced.
The best perk of living in NYC is the use of public transportation. Not that I have ever done this, but I have hear that some do. To save money on gas and routing you can use the good old bus or train. Reliable, cheap and relaxing. If you have an inspection to go on and its an hour away, why drive? Take the bus, and a nap! When gas prices or high, gas shortage or the power is out use public transportation. Public transportation is the most overlooked benefit of living in a city as thriving as NYC.
If I could re-do it all I wouldn’t change my place of business. There has always been so many perks and benefits of working in a city like NYC. You will never have a dull moment spending every day in such a beautiful melting pot of a city. No matter what way you slice it there are many benefits of operating a pest control business in NYC. Small businesses thrive the best in big cities!

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