Q & A With Tuck Sleep

For those of you unfamiliar with the newly launched Tuck sleep (formally Sleepdex.org), it’s a huge sleep portal dedicated the advancement of better sleep that also features a unique take on sleep product information. Kayla Johnson recently got in contact with us about a larger guide to dealing with bed bugs so we thought sharing with a Q&A would be ideal. Check it out below!

James :Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us today, Kayla. Please introduce yourself.

Kayla : My pleasure, James! My name is Kayla Johnson and I’m a community relations specialist at Tuck, a community for advancing better sleep, based out of Seattle, WA.

James : Thanks for that, Kayla. We usually focus our efforts on everything pest-related which does directly tie into sleep and in turn overall health. Could you let us know the biggest complaints you hear from your readers about bed bugs?

Kayla : Our recent guide was actually created as a response to a lot of questions we received about bed bug prevention and extermination. We had actually had everyone from a family in Chicago to a touring band (unfortunately can’t name them here but good chance you’ve heard of them!) write to us asking for help. A lot of folks seem genuinely shocked to be dealing with bed bug infestations even with a clean home or when doing their best to travel and stay in well kept places. It seems like despite resources available online and sporadic media coverage, the biggest complaint seems to be a lack of understand which has led to quite a few misconceptions.

James : How have your readers generally dealt with bed bug issues?

Kayla : Quite a few seem to resort to pest control companies (both local and national) and others have used our guide and others to try and sort them out themselves. The touring band I mentioned earlier actually stayed a hotel in San Francisco and woke up covered in bites. They had to work separate and clean everything (instrument cases, the van, etc.) but managed to get everything taken care of and nothing came back to bite them (pun intended). We’ve also found that a lot of our readers prefer to get rid of all of their bedroom furniture as well as their mattress in an effort to ensure they never come back. Not required I know, but I understand how bad they can be. Shameless plug here but we actually created a huge mattress product database based on consumer reviews and many of our readers have found that helpful.

James : Any other tips for sleeping or bed bugs that you would recommend?

Kayla : Definitely!

1) Be very careful about where you buy furniture. We had a huge problem in Seattle a few years back so it’s not just cities like NYC and Chicago that you hear about in the news. Bed bugs are a massive issue everywhere so be vigilant.

2) When you realize you have an infestation, especially if you’re experiencing bites, etc. take care of it immediately and find a place to stay in the interim. Good sleep is essential to good health and without it you’ll suffer in a big way so be very cognizant of your own health with dealing with bed bugs.

3) Make sure you take every precaution and do a full clean of your bedroom at the very least weekly. As much as doing a deep clean every once in awhile can feel nice, more frequent cleaning of your bedroom is extremely necessary. During this cleaning you can also search for any unusual or concerning signs that may be bed bug related. Make sure you wash you sheets and mattress protector as a part of the process and replace your pillows every 6-12 months as well

Thanks to Kayla for the interview and for more information about her organization, visit Tuck

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