6 Tips For Hiring an Exterminator

When in the market for a pest control company, many homeowners don’t know where to start. Choosing just any company is far from what should be done. A good reputation is one of the most important aspects that a customer should consider when partnering with a pest control company for their pest issue. When the customers are paying a company hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a quality pest control service, they want to know they are getting their money’s worth. If you’re in the market for a pest control company follow these 6 tips to check out the companies reputation and value to see if their a good fit for you and your family.
  1. Check if the PMP (Pest Management Professional) is licensed. If you’re located in New York State, the NYSDEC has this website to check if the individual is a “Licensed Applicator/Technician”. If you’re located outside of NYS you can contact your local agency that handles pesticide applicators licensing to check if they have a similar website. Also you can check here if they are a registered business with NYS. If you do not see them registered there is a good chance they are not licensed.
  2. Check if they have any reviews on sites like Yelp, Better Business Bureau or Google. Remember, not all reviews can be trusted but you want to make sure that you feel comfortable with the company. If they have too many bad reviews and really low prices you may want to investigate deeper and possibly hire someone who you can trust.
  3. It never hurts to put their business name in the Google search bar  just to see what comes up. Inquiring minds would love to know what google would find on the company prior to hiring them. Sometimes you may be able to find things like lawsuits, news stories or any information you may want to know about your potential pest control company. You can see what other sites they are listen on and even click on photos!
  4. Ask the company what methods they use as well as what products. Then you can research those methods and products to see if you prefer those methods or would want to request others. Many PMPs use different application methods and some may not be good for your situation so if you would prefer something please let them know and they may explain why that might no be good for your pest issue.
  5. Read before you sign the dotted line and carefully review the contract! Make sure the guarantee it something that you are comfortable with and make sure to read all the fine print. If you both decide to add or remove any of the legal writing be sure to initial next to those changes. Many service contracts have clauses that may ask you to do some maintenance work prior to or following the treatment to keep this treatment and guarantee active. Don’t forget to ask for a copy!
  6. Ask the company to provide you with their up to date insurance policy. In the worst case scenario, something goes wrong during their treatment, you want to be comfortable that you will be compensated for any unexpected damages.

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